
Monday, March 2, 2009


It's been a while since I've blog..

Well now lets start again...After a long layoff it's time to tell the world what I think once again.. There been a lot of things that has happen since the turn of the new year.

For one was the Gaza strip Inccident..
It is a sad and hurting to know, to watch, to read and to listen to news like this.. Knowing thousnad upon thousand people got killed... I do not care about the reason behind it, all i do care is the lives which were lost during the whole duration of the attack... I'm not condemning anyone.. Both side has their loses and that is the only thing I'm looking at...

New World Order
As the regime or reign or term (as people would like to call it) of George W. Bush Jr ended.. Everybody held their long sigh of relief for just a moment and then went to look forward in the future as the new President of the United States of America was elected. Mr. Barack Obama.. If he was In Malaysia he would probably have Datuk Seri Barack Obama.. hahahaha.. Well, In with the new power when the old has wane and I believe it is a suitable time since the world economy is in recession.. Mr Obama gotta prove that he got the chops to lead the new world order...

Local news has never cease to amuse me.. With all its dirty tactics and all.. i don't really remember what was the chain of reactions but... Here's a list of the events that happen( The one's I could remember)
1. Umno Youth tried to deny Karpal Singh entry to Parliment
2. MCA vice sex tape appeared AGAIN!!! titled.. The Vice's of a Vice.. mauahahahah
3.An opposition member of parliment privacy was made public..
4. By the way, Karpal Singh called Umno Youth 'Celaka'.. which lead to him being block..
5. And yeah he said the Umno youth sent him 2 live bullet... hmmm

and many more these are a few things that i can remember... and yes the biggest thing coming up is the UMNO GenElect..

It's quite sad that Malaysian politics are ruled and govern by dirty politics.. One of the worst was when Elizabeth Wong's privacy was breached.. That was deep man.. That's..Speechless..

Rock& Rolla

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