
Thursday, May 22, 2008

The year of the Sports!!!

Whew this year so far has been a very hectic year with my first year in University ended last month. Learn new things, new environment, new friends. All i all it was fun. Great bundles of fun.

Anyways lets talk about the mode I am in now which is the Sports mode. I think that this year is the sports year especially with the Beijing Olympics and the Euro 2008 ( Football Tournement). Sports has been the team so far for the year 2008. The first of the main sporting events to end was the Barclays Premier League. Which Manchester United won on the final day. They prove that in order to win you need consistency i.e Chelsea and Arsenal ( lack of consistency. Another sport which is not really watched by Malaysian is basketball. The NBA to be exact.

In the normal season the best team is the Boston Celtic( largely because of this guy name Kevin Garnett). Now it is post season that means we are in the playoffs. At this very moment both conferences are at their finals with the western conference finals having the 2 most dominating basketball teams in the new millennium L.A Lakers and the S.A Spurs. The eastern conference how ever will get to see whether there might be a power shift lead by the revive Boston Celtics or the old mainstays are here to stay, the ever consistent Detroit Pistons. If you ask for my predictions for the NBA finals, lets renew the old rivalry between the Lakers and the Celtics. It would be very interesting thing to watch. Anyways I know who i am rooting for, the most consistent player in the league, Kevin' Big Ticket' Garnett.

I'll talk basketball later, now lets see the disappointment we Malaysians will always have to face every 2 years since 1994. The Thomas Cup...
Let me open by saying


I thought this year would be our year, The year of the Malaysia in the Thomas Cup... But NOO!! we lost again and again and again..............

We all know the real Thomas Cup starts when all the minor teams are eliminated and the main teams are left which are China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Denmark and South Korea.

This year the tourney was held in Indonesia, so the Indon's have the home court advantage. We Malaysia was pitted against China in the semi's because of some smart tactic used by South Korea.( The tactic was no use also since they lost... to China)

Upon hearing to this, knowing how strong is the China's single, our Malaysian team just needed to win one single and win all the doubles which are our strong point, since we have KKK-TBH. So our hope was rested upon the likes of LCW, WCH and HH. LCW did not dissapoint us he went all the way and beat the world no.1 Lin Dan a.k.a Super Dan. I was like S**t we might have a shot in this. But then, Our 1st doubles lost, our hope and pride, KKK-TBH... they freaking lost!!! The night before that they won the best Sportsman award... nice... NOT!!! The second singles we will definitely lose because WCH can never beat the Chinese ever since his injury. Then it was our second doubles which prevail, the Tazari-Latiff pairing. Whew close shave now its all even 2-2. The next game would be the third singles which involves, HH..... no comment..

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To tell you the truth, Hafiz Hashim is better than LCW when it comes to the technical skills of badminton cause I've seen him do crazy things with the racket. Physically he may be weaker than LCW but that is not his downfall. His freaking downfall is his mental strength. It is sad to say that once this guy conquered the world when he won the All England Tourney, now he is struggling for his career.

Despite of all this I will always support Malaysia in the badminton world even more so the Olympics are close. Hopefully LCW can repeat his display then we have a true world champion in our hands. For the EURO.. hehehehe Can't wait to watch. Germany is the team to watch but Hei if Cristiano wants to be world best he better win this one. The French team is also one to watch. With them they have one of my favorite up and coming players, Benzema. Remember his name Ok, he might be the leading scorer of the tourney. It would be interesting to watch Spain play also, team with talent all over the player's list hopefully they can reach their Potential.

Keep on pressing the button on your


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