
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Passport to KCH...

This will be my first post in ages!! haha.. im back home in Kuching now.. city of the cats where cats rule and Dogs don't..(hear that Jon).. During the flight back home I was super worried.. No lah not worried bout the flight itself... but..

I thought I didn't bring my passport back with me!!

n my mind during the flight I was tracking back where did i place my passport?? thinking long and hard... In the end I couldn't REMEMBER!!! ARRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHH!!!! I could stop thinking of the what if? What if someone took my passport and sell it to some foreigner.... who is a freaking drug cartel!!*gasp*... What if ....what if...what if... ARHHHH!!! [silence]....

I calmed myself down and i said a little prayer and leave the rest to God... After that through out the whole flight i slept.. until..

Stewardess: *ding dong* Could Mr Alvin Entinggi identify himself to our stewards

I was like oh %*&* what's this??
What did I do? I was sleeping.. I didn't do anything!!


Reluctantly i, identify myself to them..

Stewardess: Can I see your boarding pass?
Me : * taken a back* shuffling the pockets of my jeans to get my boarding pass and passed it to her.

2 minutes later...

Stewardess: Here's your meal. Enjoy. * she passed me my hot dog and my boarding pass back*

All the tension for a Hot dog... I thought they caught my stash of pirated DVD's or something... which does not belong to me coincidently... Or they mistaken me for a hijacker or i stole some dudes flight ticket... At the end of the day I know who's hands are working behind it... Thanks Eli!!

Back to passport now.. Lets end this sweet and simple ...The freaking passport was in my luggage the whole time... and it was Me.. yes me who put it there inside the freaking file i always bring for lectures... Thank GOD!!!


Rhoda said...

i lost passport, and ic many many times..if u need any help holler.

saykhia said...

Scatterbrainer~ =P